Description |
Part Number |
256MB User Flash Memory | 41X1010 |
Cable, AC power to LVPS | 41X2331 |
Cable, control panel power cable | 41X2119 |
Cable, EP motor to controller board | 41X2330 |
Cable, fuser/input sensor | 41X2329 |
Cable, headphone | 41X1308 |
Cable, HVPS to controller board | 41X2334 |
Cable, LVPS to controller board | 41X2332 |
Cable, tray 2 to controller board | 41X2335 |
Cable, tray present sensor | 41X2336 |
Control panel badge cover, C2535 | 41X2133 |
Control panel base cover | 41X1305 |
Control panel bezel, 2.4-inch | 41X1304 |
Control panel display assembly | 41X1627 |
Control panel FFC, 2.4-inch | 41X1309 |
Controller board (CS521 and C2535) | 41X2098 |
Cover assembly, front and right side interlock switch | 41X1561 |
Cover, left | 41X1291 |
Cover, rear | 41X1788 |
Cover, right assembly | 40X7630 |
Cover, top assembly | 40X7633 |
Drawer, optional with 550-sheet tray | 41X1780 |
EP drive assembly | 41X1289 |
Fan, main | 41X0397 |
Fax card, 1 port vertical | 41X1871 |
Flag, narrow media/bin full | 41X2349 |
Flag, right deflector | 41X2350 |
Front cover inner deflector | 41X2663 |
Front cover straps | 40X7619 |
Front door assembly | 41X1286 |
Front toner door pivot bracket | 40X9244 |
Fuser deflector | 41X2305 |
Fuser drive motor assembly | 40X7629 |
Fuser exit narrow media to controller board | 41X2328 |
Fuser exit sensor | 40X5413 |
Fuser maintenance kit, 110-115V | 41X2096 |
Fuser maintenance kit, 220-230V | 41X2097 |
Fuser, 110-115V | 41X1041 |
Fuser, 220-230V | 41X1300 |
ITU guide | 41X0580 |
Media feeder | 41X1292 |
MPF pick tire roll with wear strips | 40X7178 |
Photo sensor and retainer (one per package) | 40X7301 |
Pick tires | 40X5168 |
Power supply, high voltage HVPS | 41X1042 |
Power supply, low voltage LVPS | 41X1043 |
Printhead | 41X1040 |
Sensor (left toner patch with thermistor) | 41X1904 |
Sensor (right toner patch with thermistor) | 41X2348 |
Serial ISP with backpack adapter | 41X0020 |
Smart card | 41X2055 |
Subframe cable cover | 41X2327 |
Subframe foot | 41X2360 |
Subframe, lower left | 41X2326 |
Subframe, lower right | 41X1312 |
Toner cartridge contact | 41X1723 |
Toner meter cycle card assembly | 40X7620 |
Toner supply door | 40X7621 |
Transfer module | 41X1039 |
Tray assembly, 250-sheet | 41X1285 |
Tray insert, 550-sheet | 41X1781 |
Tray, duo tray insert, 650-sheet | 41X1784 |
Tray, duo tray optional 650-sheet | 41X1783 |
TWN4 USB front reader kit authentication device | 41X2615 |
USB cable | 41X1307 |
USB cable, packaged (2 m) | 40X1368 |
Waste toner bottle contact block | 41X1722 |
Weather station | 41X1290 |
Weather station cable | 41X2333 |
Wireless module | 41X1873 |